Shoe Size Conversion
About the Shoe Size Conversion Calculator
How can I use the Shoe Size Converter?
Unfortunately, many countries and regions use different shoe-size systems (that’s why our Shoe Size Converter exits). The usage of the calculator is very easy, first, just click on the MAN or WOMAN button/title depending on whether it’s a man’s shoes or a woman’s shoes. Now you need to click on the initial country/region from which you want to convert from. The third and final step is to choose the size of the shoes, when you are ready you can see your shoe size converted to all of the other shoe-size systems.
What regions/countries/units the Shoe Size converter knows?
Our Shoe Size Converter can convert from centimeter, inch, US (United States), Canada, UK (United Kingdom), Europe (EUR), Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Mexico, Korea, and Modopoint and of course vice versa.
What is modopoint?
Modopoint is a system used for measuring the length of your foot sizes in millimeters. It is used in skiing for finding the perfect booths for you.
Free Online Shoe Size Conversion from cm, inch, US, Canada, UK, EUR, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Mexico, Korea, Modopoint, and vice versa. Just click on any cell in the table below to start the shoe size conversion.