Roman Numerals Converter for easily converting Roman numerals to Arabic or Arabic to Roman numerals. Roman numerals to Arabic online is now really easy with us. Thanks to our free conversion tool, you can convert Roman numeral to Arabic and vice versa at a glance.
Roman Numerals Converter
Example Roman Numerals Conversions
Information about using the Roman Numerals Converter
1. How does the converter work?
The usage is very simple. If you type the number in one input field, than the result of the conversion immediately shows up on the other field. If you want to convert a new roman numerals to decimal, or a decimal to roman numaerals, just hit the CLEAR button.
2. How to convert a Roman numeral to decimal (arabic numeral)?
Roman numerals are converted using the following symbols:
• M = 1000
• D = 500
• C = 100
• L = 50
• X = 10
• V = 5
• I = 1
By combining the above Roman numerals you can convert a specific Roman numeral to Arabic. This system uses subtractive notation which means that you can get some of the numbers by using the subtract method. For example, if we want to describe the Arabic numeral four, we can describe it as an Arabic numeral by subtraction as Roman numeral 1 (I) before the Roman numeral (V) as follows: IV. The same method can be used for larger values. For example, the CM stands for 900.
It is important to know that by using the above numbers and using the symbol system described above the largest number that can be represented in this notation is 3,999. With all of this in mind, the converter can handle and convert Roman numerals from 1 to 3999.
3. How to convert an Arabic numeral (decimal) to a Roman one?
It’s very simple, just use the notation system described in the previous paragraph inverted. Suppose we want to describe 2020 as a Roman numeral. Thousand digits are represented by the Roman numeral M, doubling it to 2000, while the conversion of the tens to the Roman numeral can be accomplished by the double use of the X symbol. The result will be MMXX.
4. Roman numerals and Arabic numerals 1 through 100 are as follows.
1 | I | 26 | XXVI | 51 | LI | 76 | LXXVI |
2 | II | 27 | XXVII | 52 | LII | 77 | LXXVII |
3 | III | 28 | XXVIII | 53 | LIII | 78 | LXXVIII |
4 | IV | 29 | XXIX | 54 | LIV | 79 | LXXIX |
5 | V | 30 | XXX | 55 | LV | 80 | LXXX |
6 | VI | 31 | XXXI | 56 | LVI | 81 | LXXXI |
7 | VII | 32 | XXXII | 57 | LVII | 82 | LXXXII |
8 | VIII | 33 | XXXIII | 58 | LVIII | 83 | LXXXIII |
9 | IX | 34 | XXXIV | 59 | LIX | 84 | LXXXIV |
10 | X | 35 | XXXV | 60 | LX | 85 | LXXXV |
11 | XI | 36 | XXXVI | 61 | LXI | 86 | LXXXVI |
12 | XII | 37 | XXXVII | 62 | LXII | 87 | LXXXVII |
13 | XIII | 38 | XXXVIII | 63 | LXIII | 88 | LXXXVIII |
14 | XIV | 39 | XXXIX | 64 | LXIV | 89 | LXXXIX |
15 | XV | 40 | XL | 65 | LXV | 90 | XC |
16 | XVI | 41 | XLI | 66 | LXVI | 91 | XCI |
17 | XVII | 42 | XLII | 67 | LXVII | 92 | XCII |
18 | XVIII | 43 | XLIII | 68 | LXVIII | 93 | XCIII |
19 | XIX | 44 | XLIV | 69 | LXIX | 94 | XCIV |
20 | XX | 45 | XLV | 70 | LXX | 95 | XCV |
21 | XXI | 46 | XLVI | 71 | LXXI | 96 | XCVI |
22 | XXII | 47 | XLVII | 72 | LXXII | 97 | XCVII |
23 | XXIII | 48 | XLVIII | 73 | LXXIII | 98 | XCVIII |
24 | XXIV | 49 | XLIX | 74 | LXXIV | 99 | XCIX |
25 | XXV | 50 | L | 75 | LXXV | 100 | C |