What blood type will my baby have? Our free online Blood Type Calculator uses the blood types of the parents to tell what blood type and Rh factor their future child might have.
Blood Type Calculator
Some useful and interesting information about the Bood Type Calculator:
1. What blood types exist and how frequent are they?
The blood type distribution is very different by country. For example, you can see frequency in the United States below, and you can also check the distribution by country here.
• 0 – The most frequent type in the USA: 62 percent of the population, that is almost two in three .
• A – The second most frequent type in the United States: ca. 30 per cent of the population, so almost one in three has this blood type.
• B – This type is rarer, only ca. 6 percent of the citizens of USA have this blood type.
•AB – The rarest blood type in USA: only 2 percent of citizens have this blood type.
•Rh- – The possibility in the United States is 6 percent.
•Rh+ – The possibility in the USA is higher, 94 percent.
2. What is Rh factor in the Blood Type Calculator?
Rh factor is an antigen that might be present in the blood (Rh+) or might be missing (Rh-). The differentiation mostly makes sense when blood is donated: donors with blood type Rh+ cannot donate blood to anyone because their blood contains the antigen. For example, if women with blood type Rh– want to have children, they must not get RH+ blood because it causes the so-called Rh incompatibility.
3. How is it possible to calculate the blood type of your future child?
The calculation is fundamentally based on the inheritance patterns of blood types. In many cases, the calculation only provides a likelihood. Rules are as follows:
• If both parents are Rh negative, their child will definitely be Rh negative, as well. In any other cases both options are possible.
• If both parents have type 0 blood, their child will definitely have type 0 blood (0 – 100%).
• If both parents have type A blood, their child might have type A or type 0 blood (A – 93.75%, 0 – 6.25%).
• If both parents have type B blood, their child might have type B or type 0 blood (B – 93.75%, 0 – 6.25%).
• If both parents have type AB blood, their child might have type A, type B or type AB blood (A – 25%, B – 25%, AB – 50%).
• If one of the parents has type A blood and the other parent has type B blood, their child might have any type of blood (A – 18.75%, B – 18.75%, AB – 56,25%, 0 – 6.25%).
• I If one of the parents has type A blood and the other parent has type AB blood, their child might have type A , type B or type AB blood (A – 50%, B – 12.5%, AB – 37.5%).
• If one of the parents has type B blood and the other parent has type AB blood, their child might have type A, type B or type AB blood (A – 12.5%, B – 50%, AB – 37.5%).
• If one of the parents has type A blood and the other parent has type 0 blood, their child might have type A or type 0 blood (A – 75%, 0 – 25%).
• If one of the parents has type B blood and the other parent has type 0 blood, their child might have type B or type 0 blood (B – 75%, 0 – 25%).
• If one of the parents has type AB blood and the other parent has type 0 blood, their child might have type A or type B blood (A – 50%, B – 50%).
4. When is the blood type calculator not applicable?
For most combinations of blood type, the calculator only gives you the possible outcomes. It means that this calculator cannot replace a paternity test. If you wish to get reliable results, had the DNA tested.
5. The definition of possible blood types is also supported by the blood type inheritance chart above. It clearly outlines the expected blood type of the child.

6. What about the baby’s eye color? Can I know it?
Would you like to know what colour your future child’s eyes will be? Our Baby Eye Colour Calculator tells you within a second.